
RESCUE [J-Drama]

Daichi Kitajima has become a firefighter as a consequence of his childhood experience of being rescued by a fire rescue team. Despite his trauma, he strives to be promoted to become a member of the Special Rescue Team. Beginning with Daichi, this story follows him and his fellow rescue team trainees as they grow as rescue workers, as people, and as men. While facing the indiscretions of youth, and internal conflicts, they encounter the many imbalances between the ideals and reality in lifesaving along the way...

Nakamaru Yuichi as Kitajima Daichi
Shibuya Takeru as young Daichi (ep1,5-6)
Masuda Takahisa as Tetsuka Yutaka
Yamamoto Yusuke as Fudo Masashi
Shoei as Kano Shinsuke
Kaname Jun as Katsuragi Kosuke
Tanaka Yoji as Igarashi Hachiro
Takahashi You (高橋洋) as Tsukuda Yohei
Yamamoto Koji as Miyazaki Shiro
Ishiguro Ken as Tokunaga Katsumi
Fueki Yuko as Mizuno Asuka
Ichikawa Yui as Maezono Aoi
Ebata Hiroki as Kijima Ken
Yamashita Shinji as Oyagi Seiji
Hirayama Yusuke as Nishida Keiichi
Yamada Shintaro as Suzaki Osamu
Kaji Masaki as Kishi Ryutaro
Ishiguro Hideo as Ikawa Shogo
Natsuyagi Isao as Sanada Takamasa
Ishibashi Ryo as Serizawa Shinobu

Tagline: 特別高度救助隊 / Tokubetsukodo Kyujotai
Tagline (English): Pride of Orange
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Action
Episodes: 9
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 2009-Jan-24 to 2009-Mar-21
Air time: Saturday 19:56

RESCUE Episode 01 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
RESCUE Episode 02 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
RESCUE Episode 03 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
RESCUE Episode 04 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
RESCUE Episode 05 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
RESCUE Episode 06 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
RESCUE Episode 07 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
RESCUE Episode 08 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
RESCUE Episode 09 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload

Subtitle: English hardsubbed

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