
Chosun Police (2005) [K-Drama] (RAW)

The story revolves around Kim Sa Yool, an elite detective with a sharp mind, set post-Gabo Reform in the late Joseon era. Kim Sa Yool and the rest of his team of special investigators use scientific methods and forensic techniques that are advanced for that period to solve crimes.

Jung Yoo Suk as Kim Sa Yool (28)
Lee Ki Young as Kang Woong Bi (33)
Jo An as Seo Eun (23)
Choi Kyu Hwan as Jo Dal Hwan (25)
Lee Jae Po as Hong Beop Ryul (40)
Park Ki Woong
Kim Sung Hoon

Title: 추리다큐 별순검 / Churidakyu Byulsoongeom
Also known as: Mystery Documentary: Chosun Police
Genre: Historical, mystery, police
Episodes: 7
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2005-Oct-29 to 2006-Jan-29
Air time: Saturday 17:55 (5 episodes: 2005-Oct-29 to 2005-Nov-26)
Air time: Saturday 24:35 & Sunday 23:45 (2 episodes: 2006-Jan-28 to 2006-Jan-29)

Chosun Police (2005) Episode 01 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Chosun Police (2005) Episode 02 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Chosun Police (2005) Episode 03 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Chosun Police (2005) Episode 04 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Chosun Police (2005) Episode 05 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Chosun Police (2005) Episode 06 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Chosun Police (2005) Episode 07 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload

Subtitle: Not available at the moment

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