This heartwarming youth drama tells the story of Dae Gu, a young man who had to give up sports due to his painful past but discovers a passion for running, as well as friendship and love in his new acquaintances.
Baek Sung Hyun as Goo Dae Gu
Kang Yi Suk as young Dae Gu
Park Min Young as Moon Haeng Joo
Kim Ji Won as young Haeng Joo
Yoo Yun Suk as Heo Ji Man
Choi Won Hong as young Ji Man
Jung Kyu Soo as Park Dal Jae
Go Yoon Hoo as Na Joon Soo
Shin Hyun Tak as Shin Ki Rok
Jun In Taek as Goo Sang Man
Kim Mi Kyung as Eun Mi (Haeng Joo's mother)
Choi Jung Woo as Jong Il (Ji Man's father)
Lee Dal Hyung as Yong Soo
Seo Bum Shik as Supervisor Hwang
Park Yong Gi as Deputy Mayor
Lee Byung Joon as young Dae Oh
Heo Il Hoo as marathon commentator
Title: 난닝, 구 / Nan Ning, Goo
Previously known as: 심장이 뛴다 / Racing Heart
Genre: Sports, drama
Episodes: 4
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2010-Jun-10 to 2010-Jun-17
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55
Running Episode 01 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p
Running Episode 02 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p
Running Episode 03 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p
Running Episode 04 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p