Shomuni 2 is a sequel from Shomuni, a popular comedic drama serial. It continues where it left off when the female employees from GA-2, deemed "the graveyard of all female employees" for its inane daily job routines of changing light bulbs, used toilet rolls and organising flower appreciation nights, saved the company in the final episode of Shomuni.
However, Manpan Corporation has changed. The multi-national company is now run in a totalitarian fashion. Closed circuit cameras are placed in every nook and cranny of the company to monitor the daily routines of employees. Even the basins in the toilets are not spared (though, obviously, the cubicles are) from scrutiny. This is a result of the Personnel Department, led by the evil Terasaki and Nonomura, who are (again) seeking to find a reason to save up on company budget.
Esumi Makiko as Tsuboi Chinatsu
Kyono Kotomi as Tsukuhara Sawako
Sakurai Atsuko as Miyashita Kana
Hosho Mai as Maruhashi Ume
Toda Naho as Sugita Misono
Takahashi Yumiko as Himukai Rie
Toda Keiko as Tokunaga Azusa
Ishiguro Ken as Ukyo Tomohiro
Morimoto Leo as Inoue Koji
Takahashi Katsumi as Terasaki Torao
Aijima Kazuyuki
Title: ショムニ
Title (romaji): Shomuni
Title (English): Power Office Ladies
Episodes: 12
Genre: Comedy
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Air time: Wednesday 21:00
Broadcast period: 2000-Apr-12 to 2000-Jun-28
Shomuni 2 Episode 01 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Shomuni 2 Episode 02 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Shomuni 2 Episode 03 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Shomuni 2 Episode 04 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Shomuni 2 Episode 05 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Shomuni 2 Episode 06 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Shomuni 2 Episode 07 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Shomuni 2 Episode 08 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Shomuni 2 Episode 09 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Shomuni 2 Episode 10 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Shomuni 2 Episode 11 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Shomuni 2 Episode 12 - Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload
Subtitle: English hardsubbed