Detective Chu Ja-young (Shin Eun-kyung) and her rookie partner Kim Dong-wook (Mun Jeong-hyuk) arrive at the scene of an apparent suicide of a young schoolboy – which turns out to be murder and not suicide at all. In fact, it is the second murder of a young schoolboy in a couple of days. Schoolboys - who were also classmates. And more murders lie ahead. A serial killer is on a killing spree among the young students – why?
Kim Yunjin - Seo Yun-hee
Moon Jeong-Hyeok - Kim Dong-wook
Shin Eun-Kyung - Chu Ja-young
Yun Ju-Sang
Kim Kkot-Bi
Lee Yu-Su
Jang Ki-Beom
Park Hyun-Young - Dong-Wook's friend
Maeng Se-Chang - Jang Joon-Ha
Oh Jung-Se
Movie: Diary of June
Hangul: 6월의 일기
Revised Romanization: Yu-wol-ui il-gi
Genre: Crime, mystery
Director: Im Kyung-Soo
Writer: Im Kyung-Soo
Release Date: December 1, 2005
Runtime: 105 Min.
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Subtitle: English hardsubbed